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Dance Journeys in the Dragon Temple

The Dragon Temple Fagervikintie 1395, Fagervik, Finland

Land in the moment! What’s really going on inside? Give it space to be and express fully! Sadness Happiness, Anger Joy, Isolation Togetherness. In dancing we have the opportunity for honesty, giving expression through the body, to all that we are. Held in the Dragon Temple by the pillars, the music and by each other, […]


Dancejourneys in the Dragon Temple 2

The Dragon Temple Fagervikintie 1395, Fagervik, Finland

Land in the moment! What’s really going on inside? Give it space to be and express fully! Sadness Happiness, Anger Joy, Isolation Togetherness. In dancing we have the opportunity for honesty, giving expression through the body, to all that we are. Held in the Dragon Temple by the pillars, the music and by each other, […]


Tantra massage for couples in Hki

Studio Senza Mechelininkatu 49, Helsinki, Finland

Closeness. Intimacy. Heart connection. * Find a new way of meeting and touching each other. * A deeper connection. * Practicing to communicate about pleasure. * Body-to-body massage We will do tantric 4-elements massage. Also massage with oil. Give to each other the gift of tantric touch and presence. Come with your partner, your beloved […]



The Dragon Temple Fagervikintie 1395, Fagervik, Finland

Marraskuun pimeiden iltojen valoksi Roihu roihahtaa jälleen! Tervetuloa ainutlaatuiseen sydäntä, mieltä ja kehoa ravitsevaan iltaan kanssamme Solbackan upeaan Dragon Temppeliin. Tällä kertaa Roihu tarjoaa jäsentemme erityisosaamisalueista luodun uniikin kokonaisuuden, jossa kaakaoseremonian, piirin, yhteisöllisen energian, musiikin, tanssin ja äänimatkan saattelemana mahdollistuu yhteys syvemmälle omaan itseen, sen äärelle mikä on totta juuri nyt. Kutsumme puhdistumaan ja uudistumaan, […]

Dancejourneys in the Dragon Temple 3

The Dragon Temple Fagervikintie 1395, Fagervik, Finland

Land in the moment! What’s really going on inside? Give it space to be and express fully! Sadness Happiness, Anger Joy, Isolation Togetherness. In dancing we have the opportunity for honesty, giving expression through the body, to all that we are. Held in the Dragon Temple by the pillars, the music and by each other, […]
