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Vitunvoiman Seremonia 27.4

The Dragon Temple Fagervikintie 1395, Fagervik, Finland

VITUNVOIMAN SEREMONIA 27.4. ILMOITTAUDU MUKAAN, EARLY BIRD 10 ENSIMMÄISTÄ ENNEN 30.3. >> Vitunvoiman tarina on ikiaikainen tarina naisen voimasta. Voimasta, jonka lähde on syvällä sisällämme. Kuin Äiti Maa, jonka sisällä palaa ikuinen tuli. Lähteen voimaa on pelätty aina. Sitä on yritetty tukahduttaa, piilottaa, jopa polttaa. Monta kertaa on itketty kärsien, hylättynä ja arvotta. Kerta toisensa jälkeen voima palaa. […]

Midsummer Community Celebration

The Dragon Temple Fagervikintie 1395, Fagervik, Finland

Planting Seeds, Growing Roots, Sharing Hearts Co-creating community and celebrating life to inspire each other to live a good and meaningful life! We meet in the beautiful valley of Solbacka Intentional Community, home of the Dragon Temple. Midsummer is in full power and we are soo ready for it! We will cook and eat good […]

Tantric and Shamanistic Massage Training

The Dragon Temple Fagervikintie 1395, Fagervik, Finland

Tantric & Shamanistic Massage Training Explore your own Flow - For bodywork professionals looking to deepen their own craft 16-18.7 2024 @ The Dragon Temple, Finland Learn body-to-body massage techniques from two pioneersin the field and find your own flow and touch · Explore your limitations ·· Develop your sensing skills ·· Work with cellular awareness · […]

Embodied Wisdom Massage

School of Embodied Wisdom Hämeentie 68B, Helsinki, Finland

Welcome to learn about tantric and shamanistic massage. We are practicing how to use the 5 elements in massage. How to use body-to-body techniques. Wheel of consent. Touching from your heart. Allowing our wild nature and remembering that we are divine beings.Sharing wisdom and knowledge. Supporting our life energy. Come with somebody you feel comfortable […]

Tantra Massage for Couples 23-25.8.2024

The Dragon Temple Fagervikintie 1395, Fagervik, Finland

Embodied Wisdom for couples A nourishing weekend in @ The Dragon Temple with body-to-body massage, 5-elements massage, drum journey, tantric play and dragon dance. * Learn who to give a whole body massage* Finding new ways of meeting and touching each other.* create a stronger and deeper connection.* Practicing to communicate about pleasure and boundaries. […]

Night of Ancient Lights – Muinaistulien Yö

The Dragon Temple Fagervikintie 1395, Fagervik, Finland

Muinaistulien yö järjestetään ensimmäistä kertaa Dragontemppelissä Solbackan ekokylässä ja Antin retriitissä. Muinaistulet ovat vanha perinne itämeren alueella jolloin vietetään tulen ja valon juhlaa. Sitä pidetään myös huvilakauden ja kesän päätöksenä. Ohjelmaa: kl.17.00 Welcome circle ja Qigong Kaisan kanssa kl.18.00 Buffet (pot luck) kl. 20.00 Tulen ja Valon Tanssit Dragontemppelissä Dj Petra Kaya Kävely metsän halki […]

Vitunvoima seremonia – luovuuden voimasi

The Dragon Temple Fagervikintie 1395, Fagervik, Finland

Vitunvoiman tarina on ikiaikainen tarina naisen voimasta. Voimasta, jonka lähde on syvällä sisällämme. Kuin Äiti Maa, jonka sisällä palaa ikuinen tuli. Lähteen voimaa on pelätty aina. Sitä on yritetty tukahduttaa, piilottaa, jopa polttaa. Monta kertaa on itketty kärsien, hylättynä ja arvotta. Kerta toisensa jälkeen voima palaa. Kerta kerralta entistä vahvempana. Vielä on naisia, jotka kärsivät […]

Men’s Support Group with Braahman & Charlie

The Dragon Temple Fagervikintie 1395, Fagervik, Finland

Join us in the transformational Dragon Temple in Fagervik for a heart opening support group for men facilitated by Braahman and Charlie. Our invitation is to create a simple and powerful space for sharing Life wisdom and being present together. To inspire each other to break free from unhealthy conditioning, which lead us to repeatedly […]

Deep Trauma Healing Workshop

The Dragon Temple Fagervikintie 1395, Fagervik, Finland

Heart opening group trauma release leading into the deepest state of meditation and bliss guided by Braahman. For 15 years Braahman lived in India in the ashrams of Sai Baba and Ramana Maharshi. In this time he underwent a deep spiritual transformation. He now lives in constant truth beyond worldly appearance. In his healing work […]

IMBOLC – Ceremonial Celebration & Healing Journey 1.2.2025

The Dragon Temple Fagervikintie 1395, Fagervik, Finland

IMBOLC / DISABLOT Celebration Step into the magic of Imbolc, a sacred time when the light begins to return, and the earth stirs with life once again. Together, we will honor this season of new beginnings, planting the seeds for the dreams and intentions we wish to nurture throughout the year. Guided by the divine […]

Tantric Dance Helsinki

School of Embodied Wisdom Hämeentie 68B, Helsinki, Finland

Life is a dance of polarities.
This session invites you to explore the delicate balance between grounding in yourself and opening to connection with others. A journey of inner presence and outward flow. Through movement, we’ll discover how to dance with the energy of life itself, embracing its rhythms and possibilities.
Note from the picture, the blindfold is optional.

Tantric Massage – Embodied Wisdom Early 2025

School of Embodied Wisdom Hämeentie 68B, Helsinki, Finland

Welcome to a studying group, learning about tantric and shamanistic bodywork. We meet on these dates: 21.3, 25.4, 23,5 We are practicing how to use the 5 elements in massage. How to use body-to-body techniques. Wheel of consent. Touching from your heart. Allowing our wild nature and remembering that we are divine beings.Sharing wisdom and […]