Embodied Wisdom for couples
A nourishing weekend in @ The Dragon Temple with body-to-body massage, 5-elements massage, drum journey, tantric play and dragon dance.
* Learn who to give a whole body massage
* Finding new ways of meeting and touching each other.
* create a stronger and deeper connection.
* Practicing to communicate about pleasure and boundaries.
Drawing upon her many years of experience as a professional massage therapist Petra Kaya will lovingly guide you on a journey into sensual pleasure and wonderful discovery of your partner’s divine body. She uses her voice and her drum to create this space for you to completely surrender to your beloved’s touch and open up to deep relaxation.
Practical info: Come with your beloved partner or bring a good friend with whom you can share intimacy. Bring a sheet, 2 big towels and 2 sarongs plus the sleeping gear that you need.
You will have access to sauna once and warm water for washing. Our beautiful mountain lake welcomes you during one of the breaks!
Price: 250e/person including food and accommodation in your own tent. You are also welcome to sleep in the Temple(mattress provided). Ask for a private sleeping space(limited amount) for an extra fee.
Register to Petra +358505910041 events@sacredcircles.love